
Login & Access

Forgot my password Open Nonagon Care app On your Login screen tap on Forgot password Make sure the email address that appears is the one you used to create your account, and tap on RESET PASSWORD Type in your new password and tap NEXT Check...

Forgot my password Open Nonagon Care app On your Login screen tap on Forgot password Make sure the email address...

Bluetooth & WiFi Connections

My Device/Wireless Otoscope won’t switch on Make sure the device contains fresh batteries Make sure the batteries are inserted correctly according to +/- signs Make sure the otoscope is charged. Using the USB-C cable (included in your kit), connect the otoscope to a charger. If...

My Device/Wireless Otoscope won’t switch on Make sure the device contains fresh batteries Make sure the batteries are inserted correctly...

Updating Members & Settings

Add a new member to my account Login to your account In the members screen tap +ADD NEW Fill in all required fields Save & exit Make sure you have entered all mandatory fields in the member’s profile Your membership allows you to add up...

Add a new member to my account Login to your account In the members screen tap +ADD NEW Fill in...

Performing Exams

Can’t get a proper reading of the Temperature exam Make sure your forehead is clean and dry Make sure the area is cleared of hair Remove glasses Make sure the thermometer sensor and the diaphragm are touching your forehead Can’t hear Heart, Abdomen and Lungs...

Can’t get a proper reading of the Temperature exam Make sure your forehead is clean and dry Make sure the...

Managing My Account

Your account can be accessed via the top right menu on the Members screen. Tap your name to see your membership details and status Add Your Tooltip Text Here Add Your Tooltip Text Here My credit card expired. Can I add my new card? Yes!...

Your account can be accessed via the top right menu on the Members screen. Tap your name to see your...

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Business hours are M-F 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST