Before each exam carefully read the App instructions and watch the video tutorial
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Turn on the N9+ device, launch the App, and login to your Nonagon account
2. In the Members screen, tap the START button for the patient you wish to perform the exam on
3. Select Abdomen from the exams menu
4. Use the graph on the intro screen to make sure the noise level is normal and tap NEXT
5. Review the app instructions and press START to activate the N9+ device. The purple activation button on your device will turn on
6. Follow the onscreen blinking dots to place the stethoscope in the correct position. Click the activation button once to start the recording countdown
7. Make sure you remain quiet by checking the noise meter on your screen. If the noise level is too high, it will turn red prompting you to keep the noise around you down
8. For each point completed, the dot will be marked in green. You may play the recording (using headphones), retake the point or save it to proceed to the next point
9. Once all points have been recorded, save the exam and the App will take you back to the exams menu
Exam Tips
- Always perform the exam on bare skin
- Make sure the exam environment is as quiet as possible (turn off the TV and other noisy appliances, and move away from other people who may be speaking)
- Hold the stethoscope firmly and close to the sensor membrane
- Avoid any motion during the recording. Don’t press too hard since this may muffle the sounds
- If the noise level was too high during a recording, a popup will allow you to go back and record that point again